2011 Posters AOAC Europe International Workshop, 10-12 October 2011, University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Fast screening for nutrition-relevant and toxic trace elements in plant and fish material by TXRF spectroscopy. By Armin Gross, Hagen Stosnach. Go to poster 01.
Chemical analysis and Quality Assessment of Carissa carandas Linn, a potent antitumor plant drug. By Sunita Shailajan, Sasikumar Menon and Neelam Sayed. Go to poster 02.
Standardization of Polyherbal Formulation for use in the Management of Menopausal Symptoms . By Sunita Shailajan, Sasikumar Menon, Suhas Pednekar, Manasi Yeragi, Harshada Hande. Go to poster 03.
Validated analytical RP-HPLC method for quantitation of Punicalagin from Fruit rind of Punica granatum and marketed Ayurvedic formulations. By Sunita Shailajan, Sasikumar Menon, Ashish singh, Mandar mhatre. Go to poster 04.
Rapid UHPLC determination of polyphenols in aqueous infusions of Salvia officinalis L. (sage tea). By Walch, Zimmermann, Tinzoh, Stühlinger, Lachenmeier. Go to poster 05
Analysis of Steviol Glycosides using HILIC columns. By Benno F. Zimmermann, Ursula Wölwer-Rieck. Go to poster 06.
HTpSPE and pesticide residue analysis in tea. By Oellig C., Schwack W.. Go to poster 07.
Comparative estimation of Marmelosin from Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa fruits using HPTLC and HPLC. By Sunita Shailajan, Sasikumar Menon, Neelam Sayed. Go to poster 08.
Identification and quantification of illegal active compounds in plant food supplements. By Ariana Dos Santos, Donatella Caruso, Chiara Di Lorenzo, Enzo Moro, Federico Abbiati, Flavio Giavarini, Patrizia Restani. Go to poster 09.
Isolation of Curcuminoids by Flash Chromatography and Quantification by UPLC-MS/MS Q-TOF. By Ahmad, Ahmad, Ahmad, Iqbal, Shamim, Khar. Go to poster 10.
Qualitative and Quantitative phytochemical analysis of Eclipta alba collected from different geographical locations using Spectrophotometry, TLC/HPTLC and RP-HPLC. By Ashish Singh, Sasikumar Menon and Sunita Shailajan. Go to poster 11.
Different analytical approaches of authentication of Medicinal Plants: a case study the identification of Echinacea spp. roots. By Bonardi C., Gualdi V., Iguera, Fuzzati, Piffanelli P. Go to poster 12.
Prohibited substance analysis of herbal based supplements intended for use by the athlete. By P Beck, P Teale and P Grace. Go to poster 13.
Anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity in plant food supplements (PFS) containing Vaccinium sp and/or Vitis vinifera. By Brunella Carratù, Marco Ciarrocchi, Raffaella Gargiulo, Stefania Giammarioli and Elisabetta Sanzini. Go to poster 14.
Determination of Pesticide Residues in Raspberry by GC/MS, LC/MS and GC/ECD/HSS. By Jelena Banić Simičić, Vladimir Stankov, Biljana Marošanović. Go to poster 15.
Flavanolignans from Silybum marianum L. – chemistry and characterization as primary phyproof® reference substances. By Michael Rentzsch, Tina Zöllner, Michael Schwarz. Go to poster 16.
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids – hidden toxins in food and medicinal plants. By Michael Rentzsch, Tina Zöllner, Michael Schwarz. Go to poster 17.
Dicaffeoylquinic acids – occurrence, structure elucidation, and characterization as primary reference substances. By Tina Zöllner, Michael Rentzsch, Michael Schwarz. Go to poster 18.
Sweet plants – Application, analysis and characterization as primary phyproof® reference substances. By Michael Rentzsch, Tina Zöllner, Michael Schwarz. Go to poster 19.
Fabrication of A Cryo-Ultrafine Grinding Machine For Getting Nano Size Medicinal Plant Material And Its Comparative Study Of Safety And Efficacy With Normal Particle Size (85 Mesh) Material Used In Traditional Indian Medicines. By R.T. Sane, V. V. Mujumdar. Go to poster 20.
Use of Genetic and Protein Markers for Characterization of Medicinal Ayurvedic Plants. By Gursimran Kaur P. Matharu, Damodar Thappa, Vivek Kamble, Archana Krishnan, Ramesh T Sane. Go to poster 21.
Toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids – determination and occurrence in animal forage. By Gottschalk C, Klaffke H, Schafft H, Preiß-Weigert A, Lahrssen-Wiederholt M. Go to poster 22.
Simultaneous Determination of Piroxicam, Sodium Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Phenylbutazone and Mefenamic Acid as Adulterants in “Jamu” intended for the Treatment of Pain by HPLC – DA. By Puspita Ayu Wardani, Farida Kurniawat, Nurul Hidayah Hadiyat, Hermini Tetrasar, Srinoegroehat. Go to poster 23.
Analysis of Flavonoids and Ellagic Acid Derivatives in Drosera peltata by narrow-bore LC-DAD, LC-MS and LC-NMR. By L Krenna, Ch Braunberger, J Conrad, M Zehl, S Fischer, U Beifuss. Go to poster 24.
Treatment of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus by Traditional Chinese Medicine, By Ganzera M., Steinmann D., Baumgartner R., Heiss E., Dirsch V., Stuppner H. Go to poster 25
Forensic analysis of biogenic recreational drugs by non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis – MS. By Posch, T., Jülich, Pütz, M., Wiesbaden , Martin, N., Wiesbaden , Huhn, C. Go to poster 26.
Adulteration of botanicals – the need for a scientifically valid method. By Matthew Whetton, Kate Baryla. Go to poster 27.
HPLC-MS/MS Profiling of Urushiols in Leaves from Toxicodendron quercifolium (Michx.) Greene. By Knödler, M., Keller, E., Lorenz, P., Meyer, U., Stintzing, F. Go to poster 28.
A novel method for aflatoxin analysis in herbal products by using alternate standard. By Vaishal Machale1, R. T. Sane, Sunita Shailajan. Go to poster 29.
Quantitative estimation of piperine, gallic acid, tannins and phenols in Avipattikar Churna- a polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation. By Showkat R. Mir , Mohd. Ali , Aswatha Ram HN. Go to poster 30.
Comprehensive two-dimensional GCxGC-MS for the quality control of traditional Chinese medicine. By von Trotha, A., Geißler, M., Baier, H., Leung, K., Schmitz, O. J. Go to poster 31.
A generic chromatographic fingerprinting approach for the analysis of naturals and complex mixtures using a combined pentafluorophenyl and C18 stationary phase. By N. Bettles, P.J. Russell and M. Pleasants. Go to poster 32.
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Bee Pollen. By A Dübecke, G Beckh, C Lüllmann. Go to poster 33.
Absence of Penicillin- derivatives in preparations from Penicillium species used in homeopathic medicinal products. By Irmer M, Wiethoff K, Irmer A ,Bader G. Go to poster 34.
Analytical study of Cassia absus and Thymelaea lythroides. By Kabbaj, F. Z., Altenbach, H., Trotha, A. F., Schmitz, O. J., Faouzi, M. A., Cherrah Y., Ihizane, R.. Go to poster 35.
Optimization of Extraction Parameters and TLC Densitometic Estimation of Berberine. By Showkat R. Mir, Javed Ahamad, Ujjwal Kaushik, Mohd. Ali. Go to poster 36.
Glucosinalte Profiling By Precursor Ion Scanning. By Richard Gössl, Katrien Schäfer, Manuela Baur, Bernd Mussler. Go to poster 37.
The fingerprint of plants’ polysaccharides. By Morlock G., Schick D., Gamlich F., Schwack W. Go to poster 38.
Detection and quantification of phyto-oestrogens in different matrices : development of a protocol based on UPLC-MSMS method. By Romnee JM, Guilleaume L. Geerts P. Froidmont E. Go to poster 39.
HPCCC: Simple, Linear, Volumetric Scale Up. By Neil Edwards, Grahame Mowatt, Guy Harris, Joachim Paschlau. Go to poster 40.
HPCCC: An Orthogonal and Complementary Separation Technique. By Neil Edwards, Grahame Mowatt, Guy Harris, Joachim Paschlau. Go to poster 41.
How safe isTraditional Chinese Medicine? Series 1: Quality control of Traditional Chinese Medicine due to the contamination of pesticide residues. By Wang-Tschen S.-Y., Bühlmann S. Go to poster 42.
Identification of new active compounds and gene functions using non- targeted metabolome analysis. By Veronica v. Saint Paul, Wei Zhang, Basem Kanawati, Birgit Geist, Theresa Faus-Keßler, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Anton R. Schäffner. Go to poster 43.
Solid-Phase Extraction Of Galloyl- And Caffeoylquinic Acids From Natural Sources (Galphimia Glauca and Arnica Flos) Using Pure Zirconium Silicate And Bismuth Citrate Powders As Sorbents Inside Micro Spin columns. By Shah Hussaina, Stefan A Schönbichlera, Yüksel Güzela, Gudrun Abelb, Matthias Rainera, Christian W Hucka and Günther K Bonna. Go to poster 44.
2011 Presentations AOAC Europe International Workshop, 10-12 October 2011, University Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Characterisation of botanical preparations for risk – benefit assessment – by Bernard Bottex, see file 01.
Herbal Food Supplements – by Popi Nicolaidou-Kanari, see file 02.
Challenges in the development of quality control monographs for Chinese herbs – by Rudolf Bauer, see file 04.
HPTLC for identification of botanicals and their adulterants – by Anita Ankli, see file 06.
Identification and quantification of analytical markers for herbal medicinal products by UHPLC-DAD/MS – by Melanie Kerst, see file 07.
Novel Infrared Spectroscopic and Imaging Tools for Quality Control – by Christian Huck, see file 10.
LCMS in the Quality Assessments of Herbal Medicine: an Industrial Perspective – by Papagiannopoulos Menelaos, see file 11.
Capillary Electrophoresis and Capillary Electro Chromatography – by Markus Ganzera, see file 12.
Legal Requirements for the Control of Contaminants in Herbal Medicinal Products and Related Areas – by Barbara Steinhoff, see file 14.
Risk Management of Contaminants in Herbal Substances and Herbal Preparations – by Bernhard Klier, see file 15.
Allergens – by Popping and Heick, see file 16.
Identification and Quantification of Pesticides in Tea and Herbal Extracts – by Thomas Glauner, see file 17.
Advanced Tools to Screen for Targeted and Non-targeted Contaminants in Food Samples – by Andre Schreiber, see file 18.
NMR Based Screening Tool for Quality Control of Botanicals – by Kim Colson, see file 19.
Improving the Analysis of Herbal Medicinal Products by Fused Core particle technology and evaluation of different LC Stationary Phase Chemistries – by Frank Michel, see file 20.
Non-targeted Searching for Food Contaminants using Orbitrap High Resolution MS – by Michal Godula c.s., see file 21.
Profiling of Flavonoid Isomers in Highly Complex Citrus Juice Sampels using UPLC Ion Mobility Time of Flight MS – by Dominic Roberts, see file 22.
Characterization of Nutrients and Actives in Herbal Supplements using UHPLC-Mulit-reflecting Time-of-flight MS – by Jurgen Wendt, see file 23.