Trends & challenges for Non-Targeted Methods.
Part 1. Quo Vadis? What, How and Who?
Our collaborators, AOAC Europe and Eurachem, just announced an upcoming workshop in non-targeted methods. If of interest, please follow this link to register for free before 7 Nov 2022:
Workshop aims
The event will aim to give an overview of the subject by presenting the following themes:
- The concept of NTMs (terminology and possible approaches)
- Quality markers (performance characteristics) for NTMs
- Data handling and data mining in relation to NTMs
- Application of NTMs in food analysis
- Application of NTMs in environmental analysis
- Application of NTMs in material analysis

- Opening, welcome
- Lorens Sibbesen [Eurachem]
- The concept of NT (terminology and possible approaches)
- Stephan Walch [Chemisches und Veterinär-untersuchungsamt, Germany]
- Quality markers (performance characteristics) for NT analysis
- Martin Alewijn [Wageningen Food Safety Research, The Netherlands]
- Data handling and data mining in relation to NT
- Ilka Haase [National Reference Centre for Authentic Food, Germany] *
- Session 1 discussion
- Break
- Application Example 1: NTMs in food analysis
- John Szpylka [Food Safety Net Services, US]
- Application Example 2: Environmental Forensics – An analytical challenge
- Luc De Ren [SGS, Belgium]
- Application Example 3: NTMs in material analysis
- Thomas Gude [SQTS, Switzerland]
- Session 2 discussion
- Closing discussion – Wrapping up and pointing forward to coming events