AOAC Europe Section history

In March 1983
a first meeting of the AOAC Europe steering committee was organized in Brussels.

The activities stretched from co-organizing analytical events to organizing AOAC Training Courses on Quality Assurance in Europe in 1986 and 1987 and a microbiological seminar in Santander, Spain in 1988. Following the urge by the AOAC Board of Directors the steering committee organized a one-day symposium in the Netherlands in 1989 and during that symposium the attendees voted for members of an Executive Committee. The chosen persons divided the positions of president, secretary and treasurer.

Membership and Events

We look forward to seeing you!


Low Lands SubSection

The “LLSS” Low Lands SubSection, is founded in Maastricht, the Netherlands, in November 1995. The name is changed into Lowlands Sectionn in 25 March 2003. Visit the Homepage of the Lowlands Section.








2019 June

Oslo, Norway

International Symposium, AOAC Europe – NMKL – Speeding Towards -Omics…

2015 May

Stockholm, Sweden

International Workshop, AOAC Europe in cooperation wth NMKL and NordVal International, Food Labs in Crystal Ball; Future Challenges in Food Analysis.

2013 April

Paris, France

International symposium, AOAC Europe – ASFILAB, New Trends on Methods for Pesticides and Drug Residues

2012 May

Copenhagen, Denmark

AOAC Europe – NMKL International Symposium. Rapid methods – chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis of foods.

2011 October

Universiity Erlangen - Nuremberg, Germany

International Workshop, AOAC Europe. Quality Control of Botanicals TCM, Herbal Food Supplements and Herbal Medicinal Products.

2009 November

Paris, France

International Workshop, AOAC Europe/ASFILAB, Conference on New Trrends in Food Analyses: From LC MS Technologies to UPLC.  Sessions on Vitamins, Drug residues, Allergens, Mycotoxins, Pesticides.

2008 April

Lisbon, Portugal

International Workshop, AOAC Europe in cooperation with Ordem dos Farmaceuticos Enforcement of European Legislation on Food and Water: Analytical and Toxicological Aspects.

2006 November

Limassol, Cyprus

International Workshop Foods to Dye for – Contaminants-sampling, analysis, legal limits.

2005 March

Brussels, Belgium

Symposium on Legal limits on the road to food safety: establishing sound criteria for compliance decisions. AOAC Europe in cooperation with Eurachem.

2000 May

Munich, Germany

Conference on Genetically Modified Organisms in the Food Chain;
AOAC Europe in cooperation with Lebensmittelchemische Gesellschaft der GDCH and Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (DVG).

1998 June

Copenhagen, Denmark

AOAC Europe in cooperation with Eurachem, Denmark
Quality Assurance in Computerized Laboratories – Analytical, Clinical and Pharmaceutical Laboratories.

1996 April

Paris, France

AOAC Europe in cooperation with ASFILAB (= French Association of Food Chemists). Vitamins, Micronutrients and Microbiology. Quality Assurance and Advances in Analytical Methodology.

1994 September

Nyon, Switzerland

Food and Feed Analysis. A Focus on methods with minimal hazards to Health and Environment.

1993 March

Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

AOAC Europe in cooperation with Eurachem. Good Automated Laboratory Practice.

1991 November

Maastricht, the Netherlands

Protection of Public Health. A Challenge for Food and Environmental Analysts.

1990 October

Brussels, Belgium

Analytical Science in Europe. The elimination of barriers.